Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Eyes are the Groin of the Head

Thanks to Dwight Schrute for the title of this post.  Let me explain...

Before looking up the exact quote, I thought it referenced "crotch", which somewhat ties into today's subject.  I liked it anyway and decided to keep it.  So it stays.

Moving on...

Last week I decided to attempt my first pantsformation.  I found a pair that I bought a few years ago at Forever21 and then forgot about because they were too wide, too long and too unimportant for me to worry about (my reasoning behind the purchase being the bargain price and my intentions of fixing them at some point).

Long pants may cause side effects

With a little pinspiration and ideas from my new favorite blog I gave it a whirl.

Definitely not as easy as it looked.  I had to sew and re-sew and re-sew until it looked and felt "right".


Thousands of stress-relieving seam-rips later, they were complete! Until I tried them on and realized they had a little "pocket" in the crotchal region.

Like any mature adult would do, I threw a fit and introduced the crotch of my pants to our dull-as-a-butter-knife-scissors.  Miraculously, my intentions of destroying my project didn't work and I somehow managed to fix them with only minimal additional seam-rippage...

Sweet success!
I wore these skinnies to work only minutes after the last stitch.  I will admit that I brought a second pair of pants with trust in my sewing skills...and fortunately the spare pants remained in their home under my desk all day.  As exciting as this accomplishment may seem, the pants were less than comfortable, partially because of the anticipated riiiiip with every move, but also because I crafted these pants based on a stretchier pair and they were a little too tight for my likings.

While I may never wear these beauts again, I feel like I've gained a good deal of knowledge for my next experiment.


  1. Well they look faaaantastic! I am super impressed :D

  2. Awesome! I got a pair of trousers made from local cloth by a tailor in Malawi...only he didn't really plan for my hips when he made them, so they were impossible to pull up the whole way. Sharon took them back so he could add small panels to the sides and widen them a bit. Then he made huge panels so my hips looked like they were ballooning. Finally, Mom sewed them up a bit. Now the width is about right, but they still don't fit well because he didn't plan for my butt either...oh well!

  3. Where did you learn how to do the altering? I may just have to buy a sewing machine because I'm accumulating a pile of clothes that I love but they don't fit quite right!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I just read a few tutorials and then kinda made it up as I went...not very profesh, but it worked for my purposes :) Minus they dyeing part,

    3. I am thoroughly impressed Char and I love the before and after photos... Perfect.
